A veterinarian can't write a prescription for marijuana if SQ788 passes

Today, Joe Howell DVM., Past President of Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Examiners and Licensure and Past President of American Veterinary Medical Association, issued a statement that contradicts misinformation spread by the SQ788 is NOT Medical Campaign.
Stating, “Veterinarians can not write prescriptions for humans.” He went on to say “Only to animals they have client patient relationship with and must be documented by medical records.”
Jed Green, Director of the Yes on 788 Campaign had this to say in response. “It is good to see Dr. Howell stand up and speak the truth.” In conclusion he said “Saying Veterinarians can give joints to kids is just part of a million dollar lie campaign to keep hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans from having access to the medicine they need”
Copyright The Gayly. June 21, 2018. 10:20 a.m. CST.