Welcome GLSEN Greater Wichita

Wichita, KS – Several months ago, members from the faith and activist communities in Wichita came together to bring a chapter of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, to Wichita. Their hard work earned them accreditation earlier this month with the national non-profit organization. GLSEN’s national office, and more than 40 chapters across the country, strive to ensure that every member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
GLSEN is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Established in 1990, GLSEN envisions a world in which every child learns to respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. GLSEN seeks to develop school climates where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes to creating a more vibrant and diverse community.
The organization “has an abundance of resources that support Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, educators that want to learn how to be supportive allies to LGBT youth and administrators who want to adopt inclusive school policies that protect LGBT students," said GLSEN Greater Wichita Chair Liz Hamor. "Our team of committed community members wants to be the link to these resources for our schools. Every student deserves a safe place to learn and thrive."
GLSEN Greater Wichita offers support and education to students, educators and administrators to help schools provide safe spaces for all students. They also intend to host educational opportunities that will be open to the community.
The Wichita group is the newest chapter of the national organization. It services Wichita, KS, and surrounding areas. The chapter focuses on student programs such as local GSA support and networking and organizing around GLSEN’s days of action and days of support.
“If GLSEN can impact just one student at each school in the Wichita area in a positive way, we will have succeeded in our mission," said Co-Chair Terri Johnson. "We want all LGBTQ students to know they have a friend, an ally, and a safe place to go."
On Sunday, August 17 at 2pm, the new Greater Wichita chapter will hold their next community discussion on how to start and maintain successful Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) in schools. While geared toward high school students and educators, this event is open to anyone interested. For more information on location please email Wichita@chapters.glsen.org.
Nationally, and through local chapters, GLSEN promotes policies that make schools safer places, and assist districts with model policies and legislation. In addition, they have an advocacy effort the helps citizens fight efforts such as “No Promo Homo” laws that portray the LGBT community in a negative light, and prevent teachers from discussing LGBT issues. They also have a broad range of resources for teachers, students, and parents.
For information on GLSEN’s research, educational resources, public policy advocacy, student organizing programs and educator training initiatives, visit www.glsen.org.
The Gayly – July 9, 2014 @ 10:15am