Who would want this guy at their wedding anyway?
Anti-LGBT+ activist Tony Perkins, who is head of the Family Research Council, warned Christians about attending same-sex weddings.
He was accepting call-ins on his radio program on Monday when the topic came up. It was the eve of the Supreme Court’s hearing in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and he was discussing the case. In Masterpiece Cakeshop, another anti-LGBT+ organization, the Alliance Defending Freedom, is seeking to make discrimination against same-sex couples and many others legal.
One caller asked Perkins about whether or not Christians should attend same-sex weddings.
He answered, “I get the whole argument about love - ‘we just need to show love.’ Sometimes expressing love is standing for truth, and I think we could lull people into a false sense of security by simply going along with what is culturally acceptable in some circles.
“And I personally, I wouldn't go."
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Perkins continued, “Now, I’m not going to tell people across the board you shouldn’t go. I haven’t gone that far. I would tell people to be very prayerful about it, but I personally - it’s not something I could do. I don’t think it would be a good representation, people knowing very clearly my stand on biblical truth, and I think other Christians need to bear that in mind as well.”
Perkins is a supporter of President Trump, and pushed his followers to vote for the president. Perkins has a long record of making virulently anti-LGBT+ statements. The Family Research Council has been called a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
It is a relief to know that Perkins wouldn’t attend a same-sex wedding, although it begs the question – Why would any self-respecting LGBT+ person invite him to their wedding?
Among Perkins’ other utterings, according to GLAAD, he:
-- Claims LGBTQ activists are going to "start rolling out the boxcars" and carting away Christians (a reference to the Holocaust)
-- Compares gay legal advocates to terrorists
-- Says: “The truth is that we cannot redefine marriage without opening the door to all manner of moral and social evil.”
-- Says: “Maybe some of you have fallen for the lie that same-sex ' marriage’ won’t affect you. I guarantee that you'll feel differently when you're trying to pull your second grader out of a lesson on homosexuality--and end up in handcuffs instead.”
-- Says Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy should be impeached simply because of his marriage ruling.
Copyright The Gayly – December 7, 2017 @ 2:10 p.m. CST.